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"imagination at work"

About the Author

Born and raised in sunny South Africa, Dorian Bell is a true wordsmith whose love for storytelling knows no bounds. Having immersed herself in the art of storytelling for over five years, she has honed her skills through various writing projects and collaborations. Dorian's work has been praised for its riveting narratives and ability to captivate readers. She finds solace and excitement in the realms of fiction, whether it's unraveling a complex mystery or exploring the depths of a spine-chilling thriller!



After darkness- Cover -  23.04_edited.jpg

The year is 2031.


The effects and impact of global warming have risen, causing global climate change. The desperation for scarce resources forces countries to form alliances to develop these resources for survival. However, this plan was not intended for third-world countries and climate change has significantly impacted their agriculture and caused famine, desperation, and crime.


The agenda? Ethnic cleansing, bioterrorism, and genocide.


The secret society Arcane Assembly has implemented plans to decrease Earth's population via Project Genocide, a designer virus that will exterminate the population of certain countries. François Vidal, a descendant of Adolf Hitler, is the creator of this virus, and his daughter Juliette is the carrier.


The United States and the United Kingdom form a joint task force to investigate the virus' origins and transmissions. Special agent Jonathan Clarke and CIA analyst Dominic Olsen are tasked with creating an intimate team of intelligent and driven people to get to the root of the problem.


Still, when their private investigation goes public, they have more fires to put out while preventing Juliette and the Arcane Assembly from wiping out half the globe's human race.

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